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The FAQ Garden

Find a Few Answers Here

What are your fees?

My rates vary. The size, depth, and scope of what my clients want to create in their life will determine the duration of our coaching relationship. I work together with some for a minimum of six months and most for at least a year. However, I will not allow money to stand in the way of serving those who seek my guidance.

What is coaching?

I ask questions. I listen to your response. I invite you to dig deeper. Then, together, when we find the vein of gold which may lead to a possible 'A ha!' moment, we begin defining the essence of who you are. I am here to support you through the difficult moments, encourage you as you near a goal, and challenge you when giving up feels easier than moving forward.

Can I book a Discovery Call?

I welcome your inquiry. Our initial conversation will be approximately 30 minutes. Then, if we both discover that this is a journey we both want to undertake, I'll schedule up to two hours so we can go really deep into what it is you want to create in your life.

Can I work with you in person?

Possibly. Once we get to know each other, and if you're showing exceptional progress with your work, I welcome you to visit me on the island of Maui where we'll immerse ourselves in the abundant beauty of nature, while expanding on the work you've already done.

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